Keywords = Nasal surgery
A Rare Case of Solitary Fibrosus Tumor (SFT) of the Nasal Septum

Volume 35, Issue 6, November and December 2023, Pages 329-334


Davide Burrascano; Salvatore Dolores; Angelo Immordino; Francesco Lorusso; Francesco Dispenza; Federico Sireci

Effectiveness of Uvulopalatoplasty and Nasal Surgery in OSAS Patients

Volume 35, Issue 4, July and August 2023, Pages 179-187


Gegham Khandanyan; Anna Shukrian; Artur Potosyan; Parounak Zelveian; Artur Shukuryan

The Effect of Pharyngeal Packing during Nasal Surgery on the Incidence of Post Operative Nausea, Vomiting, and Sore Throat

Volume 26, Issue 4, September and October 2014, Pages 219-223


Ali Karbasfrushan; Behzad Hemmatpoor; Behnam Reza Makhsosi; tayebeh mahvar; Parisa Golfam; behrooz khiabani