Patterns and Grade of Velopharyngeal Closure in Candidates for Adenotonsillectomy

Document Type : Original


Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt.


The most common type of velopharyngeal valve (VPV) closure is a matter of controversy.The aim of this study was to estimate the most common type of VPV closure, including identification of the type and grade of VPV closure among Egyptian children.
 Materials and Methods:
This study included patients who were candidates for adenotonsillectomy. In these cases, video-nasoendoscopy and speech assessment were performed prior to surgery in addition to otorhinolaryngology examination and preoperative laboratory tests.
By examination of 97 patients, video-nasoendoscopy of the VPV revealed that 49 patients had coronal VPV closure (50.5%), 48 patients had circular VPV closure (49.5%) and no patients had sagittal VPV closure.
Coronal and circular closure are the main types of VPV closure in Arabic-speaking children, as neither sagittal closure nor circular closure with Passavant’s ridge were detected in this study. Therefore, revision of the methods of repair for persistent velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) is required.


Main Subjects

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