Sudden sensorineural hearing loss due to metastasis to the temporal bone in endolymphatic sac region: A case report

Document Type : Case Report


1 Department otorhinolaryngology-head and neck surgery,Ghaem hospital, Mashhad university of medical sciences, Iran

2 Assistant, Otorhinolaryngology-head and neck surgery department - Mashhad university of medical sciences


Introduction: Metastatic carcinoma of the temporal bone is rare and its clinical presentation depends on the site of bone involvement. The most significant symptom is hearing loss, but facial paralysis, vertigo and tinnitus have also been reported. Metastasis to the Endolymphatic sac presenting as a sudden hearing loss accompanied by meniere-like symptoms has not yet been reported. Herein we report a case of sudden SNHL due to metastasis from breast carcinoma.
