Introduction: Thyroid cancers constitute 0.5%- 1% of all cancers of which differentiated cancers are most common. Mixed thyroid carcinomas are rare entities comprising only 0.5% of thyroid cancers. These tumours pose challenges in diagnosis by fine needle aspiration cytology.
Case Report: Here, we present two rare cases of these mixed thyroid carcinomas. The first is that of a 21 year old female diagnosed with medullary thyroid carcinoma by the method of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). She underwent definitive surgical treatment. Final histopathology revealed diagnosis of a nodular tumour with mixed features predominantly medullary carcinoma with areas of follicular carcinoma, confirmed on immunohistochemistry. Second report is that of a 45-year- old female diagnosed as medullary thyroid carcinoma on fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). Definitive surgical treatment was performed. Histopathology showed a mixed tumour with medullary and papillary components as confirmed through the process of immunohistochemistry. Conclusions: The knowledge of these rare carcinomas is important in avoiding a dilemma in management of this condition. Detection of these mixed tumours is difficult by FNAC. The definitive treatment essentially requires recognition of medullary component. We re-emphasize the importance of immune-histochemistry in arriving at an accurate diagnosis.
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Subramanian, N. , Agarwal, S. K. , Agarwal, A. and Gupta, P. (2022). Rare Mixed Thyroid Carcinomas: A Report of Two Cases. Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 34(1), 55-57. doi: 10.22038/ijorl.2021.48526.2614
Subramanian, N. , , Agarwal, S. K. , , Agarwal, A. , and Gupta, P. . "Rare Mixed Thyroid Carcinomas: A Report of Two Cases", Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 34, 1, 2022, 55-57. doi: 10.22038/ijorl.2021.48526.2614
Subramanian, N., Agarwal, S. K., Agarwal, A., Gupta, P. (2022). 'Rare Mixed Thyroid Carcinomas: A Report of Two Cases', Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 34(1), pp. 55-57. doi: 10.22038/ijorl.2021.48526.2614
N. Subramanian , S. K. Agarwal , A. Agarwal and P. Gupta, "Rare Mixed Thyroid Carcinomas: A Report of Two Cases," Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 34 1 (2022): 55-57, doi: 10.22038/ijorl.2021.48526.2614
Subramanian, N., Agarwal, S. K., Agarwal, A., Gupta, P. Rare Mixed Thyroid Carcinomas: A Report of Two Cases. Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 2022; 34(1): 55-57. doi: 10.22038/ijorl.2021.48526.2614