Rhinoplasty, a surgery that reshapes the nose to increase facial beauty or to restore the nasal function after a physical defect, is the most popular plastic surgery worldwide and second most common in Saudi Arabia. Regardless of how common this procedure is done in Saudi Arabia, there is a huge lack of studies on how medical students feels and acts towards it. Thus, this study aimed to assess the perception and attitude of cosmetic rhinoplasty among Fakeeh college students in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Materials and Methods:
A validated questionnaire about participants desire to rhinoplasty was randomly distributed among all Fakeeh College students in a simple random technique. Results:
306 participants completed the questionnaire Most responders (60.1%) were happy with their noses. A significant association was noted between gender and desire to undergo rhinoplasty (P=0.034). Also, there is a significant relationship between the participant’s desire for rhinoplasty and its cost (P = 0.034). Conclusion:
This study showed although rhinoplasty is socially accepted in Saudi Arabia. there is a low desire in college students toward performing rhinoplasty. Factors like cost of surgery or gender affect people’s willingness to do rhinoplasty.
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Alshami, K. and Alsaati, R. (2023). Perception and Attitude of College Students toward Cosmetic Rhinoplasty. Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 35(4), 199-205. doi: 10.22038/ijorl.2023.70373.3389
Alshami, K. , and Alsaati, R. . "Perception and Attitude of College Students toward Cosmetic Rhinoplasty", Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 35, 4, 2023, 199-205. doi: 10.22038/ijorl.2023.70373.3389
Alshami, K., Alsaati, R. (2023). 'Perception and Attitude of College Students toward Cosmetic Rhinoplasty', Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 35(4), pp. 199-205. doi: 10.22038/ijorl.2023.70373.3389
K. Alshami and R. Alsaati, "Perception and Attitude of College Students toward Cosmetic Rhinoplasty," Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 35 4 (2023): 199-205, doi: 10.22038/ijorl.2023.70373.3389
Alshami, K., Alsaati, R. Perception and Attitude of College Students toward Cosmetic Rhinoplasty. Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 2023; 35(4): 199-205. doi: 10.22038/ijorl.2023.70373.3389