Submandibular Gland Preservation in Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinomas Our Analysis at A Tertiary Care Hospital

Document Type : Original


1 Department of Ent- Head and Neck Surgery, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.

2 Department of Pathology, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.



Surgical excision forms the principal treatment of oral cavity squamous cell carcinomas. The comprehensive surgical management consists of Wide Local Excision of the tumor and Neck Dissection with removal of Submandibular gland. The submandibular gland accounts for 70–90 % of unstimulated salivary volume. Its excision as a part of neck dissection has been found to cause high Incidence (21% vs 7%) of postoperative xerostomia. Recent studies have highlighted that the preservation of the SMG is possible and oncologically safe in early-grade OCSCC with N0 neck as the involvement of SMG in such cases is low and its preservation decreases the chances of xerostomia.

 Materials and Methods:
80 subjects were included in the study to estimate the prevalence of metastatic submandibular gland involvement in oral cavity squamous cell carcinomas. The presence of metastasis into the salivary gland was studied and the mechanism/route of involvement was analysed. The comparison was made between the early and advanced tumors for SMG metastasis irrespective of the primary subsite involvement.
In the current study low prevalence (6.2 %) of metastasis to SMG was seen. It was seen in high-grade      tumors only. None of the early-grade tumors showed any evidence of SMG metastasis. The most common pattern (80%) of glandular involvement was a direct extension from the primary tumor.
Our study concludes that SMG preservation neck dissections can be carried out in early-grade OCSCC irrespective of primary tumor site involvement. The advantages of preserving the SMG are multiple. Furthermore, the morbidity is markedly decreased with its preservation without any compromise on oncological safety.


Main Subjects

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