Assessment of prevalence study of 40 variables related to painful dysfunction syndrome of masticatory muscles in patients referred to faculty of dentistry in Mashhad, Northeast of Iran

Document Type : Original


1 Assistant,Faculty of dentistry, Hamadan, Iran

2 Associate,Faculty of dentistry, Hamadan, Iran

3 Assistant,Oral Pathology

4 School of Dentistry, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences


Introduction: Painful dysfunction syndrome of masticatory muscles is one of the most important causes of pain in orofacial region. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalency of 40 variables related to this disorder.
Materials and Methods: A total 39 patients (32 females, 7 males) with painful dysfunction syndrome of masticatory muscles were studied. Patients were evaluated for prevalence of age, sex, job, marriage status, masticatory muscles tenderness, maximum mouth opening, deviation, deflection, temporomandibular joint involvement, habits, parafunctions, mall occlusions, neck pain, headache, ear pain and previous history of jaw involvement.
Results:  Mean age of patients was 35±13.32 years old and most common range of age was
 20-40, 51% were house wife and 74.4% were married. Other variables included: Clicking (74.4%), temporomandibular joint pain (54%), headache (46.2%), ear pain (41%), neck pain (35.9%), limitation of maximum opening (71.8%), class I mall occlusion (74.4%), cross bite and deep bite (25.6%), deviation (7.7%), deflection (41%), bruxism (56.4%), clenching (64.1%) Masseter and external petrygoid (85%) muscles of masticatoty muscles had higher involvement.
Conclusion: Because of painful dysfunction syndrome of masticatory muscles has variable signs and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment planning may be very difficult, Therefore having more information about this disorder can help physicians to make best decisions.
