Laryngocele after Subtotal Laryngectomy

Document Type : Case Report


Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Salah Azaez oncology Institute, Tunis, Tunisia.


Laryngocele is an air-filled dilatation of the laryngeal saccule that extends upward within the false vocal folds. Different etiologies lead to laryngocele congenital malformation, weakness of the laryngeal tissues and increased intralaryngeal pressure. Laryngocele may be a secondary iatrogenic complication following subtotal laryngectomy.
Case Report:
We report the case of a 61-year-old patient who presented an external laryngomucocele 8 years after a supracricoid partial laryngectomy with cricohyoidoepiglottopexy (SCPL-CHEP). We focus on the clinical aspects and therapeutic attitude, then discuss the physiopathological conditions that could generate this late complication.
Laryngocele after subtotal laryngectomy should be considered a late iatrogenic complication. Histological examination is necessary after surgical management of laryngocele, as the association with cancer is frequent.


Main Subjects

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