Otoscleroma of the Middle Ear and Mastoid Cavity with Facial Palsy: A Case Report

Document Type : Case Report


1 Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt.

2 Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt.



Scleroma is a chronic, specific granulomatous disease that affects the head and neck mucosa. Its common sites are the nose and larynx; however, it might affect other areas. One of the rare sites to be affected is the middle ear and mastoid cavity, for which the term otoscleroma was coined. We present such a rare case in this report.
Case Report:
A 47-year-old patient with a history of both old laryngoscleroma and recent Rhinoscleroma. He presented with symptoms of ear discharge and facial palsy. Examination revealed complete facial nerve palsy and an external auditory canal polyp. A decision was made to perform subtotal petrosectomy with facial nerve decompression and maximum debulking to be sent for histopathology. The result came typical of otoscleroma
Otoscleroma is a fairly rare occurrence. It might be primary, with no evidence of Scleroma in other sites or following rhino and/or laryngoscleroma. It might be unilateral or bilateral. It might mimic the clinical picture of chronic suppurative otitis media and its complications. Tympano-mastoidectomy is recommended to stop the discharge, obtain a proper biopsy and decompress the facial nerve if needed. Otoscleroma should be suspected in the case of previous Scleroma in other sites, and otitis media or complications like manifestations.


Main Subjects

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