Integrated Internal Stabilization for Saddle Nose Surgery

Document Type : Original


Otorhinolaryngology Research Center, Amir’Alam Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran Iran.


Correction of Saddle nose deformity is one of the most challenging issues in facial plastic surgery.
Materials and Methods:
In this study, a single structure in the form of L-strut was attempted to be created by using one 0.035" Kirschner wire and an autologous costal graft out of the 10th and 11th ribs. This study involved 13 cases, most of whom were traumatic. The corrective surgical techniques used in this study will be described in detail.
There was no warping, no rejection, and no infection in the created L-strut and patients’ satisfaction was very good during the follow up period.
Surgical correction of a saddle-shaped nose using the described technique seems to be an acceptable and uncomplicated technique, and the cosmetic result is totally acceptable.


Main Subjects

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